Veronika Čechmánková

Beloved Baking

Jan 9, 2021 — Feb 20, 2021
Opening Saturday 9. January 2021 0:00

Mariana Pecháčková

Veronika Čechmánková

Beloved Baking

video, 4:37 min


directed by: Veronika Čechmánková / cinematography: Anežka Horová

What part do traditions play today? The video Beloved Baking by the artist Veronika Čechmánková works with cultural symbols, the value and meaning of which change depending on the current social context and thus transform the very perception of past traditions. Home baking ceases to be an activity used primarily to create a basic food for the survival of hunger, but it becomes a lifestyle characterized by an endless and hungry pursuit of recognition on social networks.